Books for Black History Month

Celebrate Black History Month by checking out some of our new titles!


MLK Jr. Books for January

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

New books for December

Merry Christmas! For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

 – John 3:16

New books for November

Happy Thanksgiving! Please see the following eBooks purchased recently for ECDs.


Books for October

Happy Fall quarter! Please check out  some of new books in the David Allan Hubbard Library.


Books for September

Happy Fall Quarter! Below is some of eBooks purchased for ECD and syllabi for fall quarter!




Books for August

Are interested in the following books? We always welcome you to suggest a book for yourself and for the library.

Books for July, Continued…

Happy Summer! Please check out the following books when you have time.




Books for July

Happy summer!

Books for June

Enjoy reading the following new books from the Hubbard Library.