EBSCO eBooks alert! **UPDATE**

EBSCO’s eBooks download issues have been resolved. If you do continue to experience problems with eBooks, or if you have any questions, you may e-mail us at lib-info@fuller.edu. Thank you!

EBSCO, one of our major eBook providers, is currently experiencing server issues causing the download functionality of all their eBook collections to fail.

While eBooks can still be accessible and read online, the process of downloading offline using Adobe Digital Editions breaks down.

EBSCO’s technical support team is working to resolve the situation asap, and we will provide regular updates. Thank you so much for your patience!

Explore and evaluate Digital Loeb Classical Library!

The Fuller community is invited to explore and evaluate Digital Loeb Classical Library.  Recently digitized by Harvard University Press, the database provides access to more than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts in a modern interface that allows readers to browse, search, annotate, bookmark and share content (www.hup.harvard.edu).

Your feedback is valuable to us!

Please visit the trial databases page for more information and share your comments: http://infoguides.fuller.edu/loeb.

Explore and evaluate APA Handbooks Online!

APAThe Fuller community is invited to explore and evaluate APA Handbooks Online and other E-Collections published by American Psychological Association (APA).

This generous trial offers access to full text reference books providing overviews and  in-depth analyses of a variety of subfields within psychology.

Your feedback is valuable to us! Please visit the trial databases page for more information: http://infoguides.fuller.edu/trials/APA

Explore and evaluate Psychotherapy.net!

IdhearlaughterThe Fuller community is invited to explore and evaluate Psychotherapy.net, a database of streaming videos covering the fundamentals of psychotherapy, counseling, and addiction treatment.

You can search and explore the videos by approach, issues, population, and experts.

Your feedback is valuable to us!

Please visit the trial databases page for more information: http://infoguides.fuller.edu/trials/Psychotherapy

Digitalia Hispanica @ Fuller Library

laptopbook (1)Fuller Library is pleased to announce its new subscription to Digitalia Hispanica, a database of  e-books and e-journals in Spanish with access to some of the most renowned publishers in Spain and Latin America.

The database holds thousands of e-books and e-journals, including new and backlist titles in a wide range of subjects within the Humanities and the Social Sciences. While the database is multidisciplinary, you will find scholarly resources in Religion, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Anthropology, and more.

For questions, comments, and suggestions please email us at: dmatei@fuller.edu

Explore and evaluate Digitalia Hispanica!

laptopbook (1)Fuller community is invited to explore and evaluate Digital Hispanica, a database of  e-books and e-journals in Spanish with access to some of the most renowned publishers in Spain and Latin America. The database holds thousands of e-books and e-journals, including new and backlist titles in a wide range of subjects within the Humanities and the Social Sciences. While the database is multidisciplinary, you will find scholarly resources in Religion, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Anthropology, and more.

Your feedback is valuable to us! Please visit the trial databases page for more information: http://infoguides.fuller.edu/digitaliahispanica

The Chronicle of Higher Education: new library subscription!

Fuller Library is pleased to announce its new online subscription to The Chronicle of Higher Education, a top destination for news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.

The institution-level subscription allows for unlimited simultaneous users and provides access to current and archival content beginning with 1989.
Visit The Chronicle’s Newsletter (Web Page) to sign up for Academe Today, Weekly Briefing, Jobs, and other area of interest.

Also, our mobile users can set up a domain access to access The Chronicle of Higher education on IPAD, tablet, or smartphone by following the vendor’s mobile instructions (PDF).