
We are pleased to announce a month-long trial to Twentieth Century Religious Thought, a repository for the essential works and archival materials documenting religious thinking in the 20th century.  Access is available through March 25, 2015.

Your feedback is very important to us, as our collection development decisions are driven by feedback from faculty, students, and staff.

Twentieth Century Religious Thought offers access to the influential works of worldwide religious thinkers from the 20th century such as Hans Urs von Baltasar, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Rudolf Bultmann, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Adolf von Harnack, Henri de Lubac, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Dorothee Sölle, and more. Included are 16 volumes of the English edition of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works Series (DBWE) and the complete 17-volume German edition of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Werke (DBW). Supporting religious scholarship, this database currently has over 100,000 pages of material exploring key concepts such as ethics, doctrine, and truth across religions.

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