Not able to join us at the library for our DeStress for Success events? Have no fear – you can de-stress online! Check out a few of the following suggestions and to reduce your stress!
Distracted by social media and other things on the Interwebs? Use a blocker like Self Control (Mac) that blocks particular sites for a certain amount of time.
Game – the following games are merely suggestions and we are not endorsing these products.
Pigment – coloring book app – iOS, Android
Jigsaw Puzzle – iOS, Android
Laugh – Watch some funny clips on YouTube or a comedy!
Meditate – Rest your eyes and relax with some soft music (about 3 hours)
Move – Get active and do some stress-busting yoga! (about 28 minutes)
Another good stress-buster is to make time to go get a cup of coffee or tea or clean your study space!
Create – Video tutorial on how to make a stress ball! (about 7 minutes)