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- The Trinity among the nations : the doctrine of God in the majority world by Gene L. Green, Stephen T. Pardue and Khiok-Khng Yeo. Amazon page
- The Trinity and the vindication of Christian paradox: an interpretation and refinement of the theological apologetic of Cornelius Van Til by B. A. Bosserman (Author.). Amazon page
- Irenaeus on the Trinity by Jackson Lashier (Author.). Amazon page
- Divine Providence and human agency: trinity, creation and freedom by Alexander S. Jensen. Amazon page
- The birth of the trinity: Jesus, God, and spirit in New Testament and early Christian interpretations of the Old Testament by Matthew W. Bates. Amazon page
- God, sexuality and the self: an essay ‘on the Trinity by Sarah Coakley. Amazon page
- Praying and believing in early Christianity: the interplay between Christian worship and doctrine by Maxwell E. Johnson. Amazon page
- Christian mysticism and incarnational theology: between transcendence and immanence by Louise. Nelstrop, Simon D. Podmore. Amazon page
- In search of the triune God: the Christian paths of East and West by Eugene. Webb. Amazon page
- The Acts of the Apostles by James D. G. Dunn (Author.) Amazon page
- Spirit, Qi, and the Multitude: a Comparative Theology for the Democracy of Creation by Hyo-Dong. Lee. Amazon page
- Early modern women’s manuscript writing: selected papers from the Trinity/Trent Colloquium by Victoria E. Burke, Jonathan Gibson, Trinity /Trent Colloquium. Amazon page
- Dogmatic aesthetics: a theology of beauty in dialogue with Robert W. Jenson by Stephen Wright (Author.). Amazon page
- Revisioning, renewing, rediscovering the triune center: essays in honor of Stanley J. Grenz by Stanley J. Grenz, etc. Amazon page
- Sarah Coakley and the future of systematic theology by Janice McRandal (Editor.). Amazon page
- The promise of Robert W Jenson’s theology: constructive engagements by Chris E. W. Green (Editor.), Stephen Wright (Editor.) Amazon page
- Mathematical theologies: Nicholas of Cusa and the legacy of Thierry of Chartres by David Albertson (Author.) Amazon page
- The Trinitarian Christology of St Thomas Aquinas by Dominic Legge (Author.) Amazon page