Please note that the ebook availability of the following title has been suspended until December.
  • McGrath, Alister E. 2011. Christian Theology : An Introduction. Fifth ed. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
We have contacted the content provider regarding the issue and found out that the title has been removed from the vendor and is no longer available for sale.
We have a non-linear access model with this title which is a perpetual access license. This model allows for unlimited concurrent access but has a set number of lending days per year, usually 325 days. The combined number of loan days per year cannot exceed the maximum days of use allotment. We are not able to purchase additional days since the title is not available for sale anymore.  Our loan days will renew on the anniversary of the purchase date. Unfortunately, this will happen later in the year since we’ve added the title in the month of December. Until then, access to the book is not available.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. The title is available for personal purchases through Amazon eTextbook or you may request parts of the book (2 chapters or 10% of the book, whichever is less) to be scanned through a Scan-on-Demand service.

Lastly, if you are on campus, you can check out the book in person for 2 hours at a time.