2012-2013 Stats
Quick Facts
Comparing the Fuller Libraries with other libraries in the Association of Theological Schools (ATS), our size is impressive. This is particularly true for a stand-alone seminary that is not associated with a college or university.
The Fuller Libraries’ collection of electronic and print materials is quite sizable. Of note is the number of languages represented in the collection, as well as the size of our Darling Foundation Pacific Rim collection.
Fuller’s resources see a lot of activity. Both print and electronic resources are used heavily with more and more emphasis being placed on digital material that may be accessed remotely.
David Allan Hubbard Library Facilities
In 2009, the David Allan Hubbard Library officially opened to Fuller users. This addition more than doubled the space that was available in the older McAllister Library. The merging of the old with the new creates interesting and beautiful study and meeting space for the seminary’s faculty, students, staff, and authorized guests.
David Allan Hubbard Library staff are eager to help patrons with their research and course needs. Services such as reference, interlibrary loan, and course reserves are among those used regularly by Fuller students.
Top Ten
Are you curious about those books used most by Fuller students? Check out our top ten eBooks and print books.