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Academic Search Premier provides full text for more than 4,500 journals, including more than 3,700 peer-reviewed titles. It covers the social sciences, humanities, general science, multicultural studies, education, and much more. Uses the Ebsco Host interface.
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**Purchase of this database was made available by a gracious donation from Ms. Peggy Helmerich. Thank you.** Focusing predominantly on Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, New York, and towns and cities in North Carolina this resource presents multiple aspects of the African American community through pamphlets, newspapers and periodicals, correspondence, official records, reports and in-depth oral histories, revealing the prevalent challenges of racism, discrimination and integration, and a unique African American culture and identity.
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Alternative Press Index Archive (AltPressIndexArchive) indexes citations from journals (1969-1990) covering cultural, economic, political & social change. Topics covered are anarchism, democracy, indigenous peoples, ecology, labor, economics, national liberation, feminism, and socialism. There are over 470,000 citations from 700 journals.
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EBSCO Open Dissertations now includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations. It is a free database index with records for more than 800,000 electronic theses and dissertations from around the world. Coverage is multi-disciplinary and ranges from 1933 to the present. Database holds bibliographic records only, no full text.
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American National Biography offers biographies of more than 17,400 American men and women. It is based on Oxford’s 24 volume American National Biography, published in 1999. The online edition is updated quarterly, with hundreds of new entries each year and revisions of previously published entries to enhance their accuracy and currency.
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Anthropological Index Online indexes current periodicals in the The Anthropology Library at the British Museum, incorporating the former Royal Anthropological Institute library. It includes over 240,000 citations. Coverage is from 1957 to the present.
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APA Handbook of psychology, religion, and spirituality (Vol 1) presents the most comprehensive coverage of the current state of the psychology of religion and spirituality. It introduces a new integrative paradigm for this rapidly growing and diverse field. Although both volumes integrate research, theory, and practice, the first volume places greater emphasis on research and theory.
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APA Handbook of psychology, religion, and spirituality (Vol 2) presents the most comprehensive coverage of the current state of the psychology of religion and spirituality. It introduces a new integrative paradigm for this rapidly growing and diverse field. Although both volumes integrate research, theory, and practice, the second volume focuses in greater detail on practice.
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ArchiveGrid is the ‘WorldCat’ for finding aids of historical archives. It includes descriptions of historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world. Thousands of libraries, museums, and archives have contributed over two million collection descriptions to ArchiveGrid. Researchers searching ArchiveGrid can learn about these collections and contact archives to arrange a visit to examine materials
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Article First provides a machine created index to tables of contents pages from over 16,000 journals in business, science, humanities, social science, medicine, technology, and popular culture. Includes over 19 million citations from 1990 to the present.
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ATLA Historical Monographs Collection-Series 1 provides more than 15,000 e-Books from 1800 through the 1893 World Parliament of Religions, and a few earlier publications. It includes many volumes documenting the recovery of languages used during the biblical era and provides an in-depth view of the way that interest in, and knowledge of, biblical languages emerged during the nineteenth century, an important foundation for today’s study and understanding of biblical languages. It also contains titles in Aramaic, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Syriac. Full images, but no full text.
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ATLA Historical Monographs Collection-Series 2 consists of nearly 15,000 titles published from 1894 through 1923. It presents a comprehensive picture of religion in America at the turn of the century. Subjects addressed include the conflict between religion and science, the growing interest in Eastern religions and other world religions, and significant shifts in the religious identification of Americans. Full images, but no full text.
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ATLA Religion (including ATLAS), an American Theological Library Association database indexes journal articles, essays, and book reviews in all fields of religion. ATLAS is a full-text, digital collection of over 100 core journals in religion and theology. One of the strengths of this database is rich content: the project has digitized journal issues going back about 50 years or more. The journals cover six subject areas: Bible, Archaeology, and Antiquities; Theology, Philosophy and Ethics; Religions and Religious Studies; Pastoral Ministry; History, Missions, and Ecumenism; Human Culture and Society. Provided by Ebsco.
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Biblical Archaeology Society Online Archive includes online versions of Biblical Archaeology Review from 1975 to present; Bible Review from 1985 to present; Archaeology Odyssey from 1998 to present, as well as five books published by the Biblical Archaeology Society. The site also includes many photos of archaeological sites and objects.
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Britannica Academic gives online access to the complete Encyclopaedia Britannica and is integrated with Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. The encyclopedia features over 100,000 new and revised reference articles written by experts in all fields of human endeavor. A unique “Article History” feature allows users to see every update or editorial change in every article. The encyclopedia also supports: biography, subject, and contributor browses, e-book classics and primary sources, thousands of periodicals, an interactive world atlas, updated versions of the World Data Analyst and articles from the Britannica Book of the Year— as well as thousands of photographs, videos, tables, graphs, and illustrations.
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BrowZine is Fuller’s new eJournal management software. In addition to title searching, this service allows you to browse through available titles by subject, as well as save journal titles and articles to a custom bookshelf when using a personal account. BrowZine is also linked to our interlibrary loan (ILL) system for issues not held by Fuller.
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Business Source Elite provides full text for more than 1,120 business publications, with information dating back to 1985.
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**Purchase of this database was made available by a gracious donation from Ms. Peggy Helmerich. Thank you.** This database presents all the texts by or about John Calvin which have been published by the Librairie Droz from 1960 to 2012, with an initial focus on Geneva, Calvin, and the beginnings of the French evangelical movement with Lefèvre d’Etaples and Marguerite de Navarre. 230 texts are currently available.
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Part of the Cambridge Core database of Cambridge University Press publications, this collection includes the complete series of Cambridge Companions to Philosophy and Religion, 217 titles, along with 380 titles of Cambridge History Companions covering a broad range of historical periods and topics. The platform also supports over 1100 additional eBooks and 60+ academic journals.
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Chicago Manual of Style Online describes English grammar and how to format footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies for academic research papers
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Chinese Recorder contains the complete and searchable archive of the The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal (1868-1941). This online database contains important historical records of the Church in China accompanied by rare photos, maps, drawings and statistics. The journal text is almost exclusively in English, but publication introductions and editorial notes are in Chinese. Published by the National Taiwan University Press.
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ClasePeriodica indexes documents published in Latin American journals specializing in the social sciences and humanities, and science and technology. It offers more than 300,000 bibliographic citations from 2,600 scholarly journals published in the Spanish, Portuguese, French and English languages. It contains information about articles, essays, book reviews, monographs, conference proceedings covering 24 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
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The website Codices Latini Haunienses (CLH) contains high-quality digitized photos of select Latin manuscripts and codices from the Royal Danish Library. Full text descriptions.
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This database indexes full text articles from over 1000 encyclopedias and reference books from major publishers such as Cambridge, Harvard, Routledge, Britannica, including 50+ reference works on Christianity. Major titles include: the Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology, Encyclopedia of Protestantism, Dictionary of the Theological Interpretation of the Bible, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, the IVP Bible Dictionary Series, and the Routledge and Blackwell Religion Companions.
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**Purchase of this database was made available by a gracious donation from Ms. Peggy Helmerich. Thank you.** This Brill Reference database presents a complete Hebrew transcription and English translation of the DSS Biblical text, together with high-resolution images that can now be used side by side. Based on the DSS Electronic Library CD-ROM (published by Brill and Brigham Young University, 2006) the database contains all known DSS biblical texts as of January 2013.
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**Purchase of this database was made available by a gracious donation from Ms. Peggy Helmerich. Thank you.** This Brill Reference database presents a complete Hebrew transcription and English translation of the DSS non-biblical text, together with high-resolution images that can now be used side by side. Based on the DSS Electronic Library CD-ROM (published by Brill and Brigham Young University, 2006) the database contains all known DSS non-biblical texts (from Qumran) as of September 2005.
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Digital Library of Classical Protestant Texts includes 1,279 titles by 274 Western European authors from the Reformation and post-Reformation eras, 1500-1700. Provided are facsimile images and full-text, searchable by keywords, scripture references, and subject index. The works include theological writings as well as a wide range of confessional documents, biblical commentaries, polemical treatises, and Bible translations. Purchased from Alexander Street Press.
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Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation includes full-text works of Catholic authors of the 16th and 17th centuries. Document types include catechisms, scholarly treatises, papal documents, theological works, and devotional works. Project editors are Simon Ditchfield at the University of York and Brad Gregory at the University of Notre Dame. As of August 2018, the database includes 845 titles by 277 authors. Purchased from Alexander Street Press.
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Loeb Classical Library (Digital) provides online access to the entire collection of Loeb Classical Library. Digitized and maintained by Harvard University Press, the collection contains more than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts in a modern and elegant interface, allowing readers to “browse, search, bookmark, annotate, and share content with ease” (
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includes eBooks and eJournals in Spanish with access to some of the most renowned publishers in Spain and Latin America. While the database is multidisciplinary, you will find scholarly resources in Religion, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Anthropology, and more.
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Dissertations & Theses Global by ProQuest provides access to more than 1.2 million full-text theses and dissertations, including those from Fuller Theological Seminary, available for download in PDF format, together with 2.7 million searchable citations to theses from around the world from 1861 to the present. Most of these theses were written to fulfill doctoral degrees. The database offers full-text for most of the theses added from 1997 onwards and some retrospective full-text coverage for older theses. Approximately 70,000 new full-text theses are added to the database each year. Provided by ProQuest, formerly known as UMI (University Microfilm Inc.)
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Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains 100,000 of the over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave’s Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640), Wing’s Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700), and the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661). Among the thousands of titles featured in EEBO are works by Malory, Bacon, More, Erasmus, Boyle, Newton, Galileo; musical exercises by Henry Purcell and novels by Aphra Behn; prayer books, pamphlets, and proclamations; almanacs, calendars, and many other primary sources. Full images and full text for some select works.
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eBooks: eBook Academic Collection (Ebsco) is a growing collection of full-text electronic books found in Ebsco Host. These “e-books” can either be browsed online or “checked out” for your exclusive use. Furthermore, you may search words and concepts that may appear on the pages of these books. This customized collection includes recent books published in fields of religion, psychology, education, the social sciences, etc. All titles can also be searched through library’s online catalog.
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EBSCO Electronic Journal Service offers the full-text of over 150 journals of some of the titles to which we also subscribe in print. Note that date coverage online varies: Some journals withhold their most recent issues; some do not include older volumes. EBSCO EJS subject content varies and is multidisciplinary. Searching full-text of journal content provided is available. Users should also use subject-specialized databases such as ATLA/ATLAS, PsycINFO, EBSCOHost, et al. when doing literature searches. Please visit BrowZine and the online catalog for a full listing of the periodicals Fuller subscribes to in online full-text, print, and in microform.
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Ebsco Host provides access to several Ebsco databases.
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eHRAF Archaeology (Yale University) is a Web-based, full-text database with information on prehistory of the world. Archaeological traditions include “classics” such as the Maya in Mesoamerica and the Dawenkou in China. The database is unique in that all the full-text sources are numerically subject-indexed at the paragraph level to ensure precise retrieval of information.
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eHRAF World Cultures (Yale University) is a systematically organized collection of thousands of books and articles on cultures from all regions of the world. It may be used to find information on particular cultures, ethnic groups, or immigrant groups, and it may be used to find information on beliefs, superstitions, or subjects such as political structure, architecture, kinship units, or settlement patterns.
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Encyclopedia of Religion Online presents a cross-cultural approach that emphasizes religion’s role within everyday life and as a unique experience from culture to culture. The original 2,750 entries have been retained, many heavily updated, and approximately 600 entirely new articles have been added by an international team of scholars and contributors. Based on 15 volumes of print edition: Lindsay Jones (editor), 2nd ed., published in 2005 by Macmillan Reference USA. The database also includes other Gale reference works in culture and religion (and some psychology).
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EBR renders the current state of knowledge on the origins and development of the Bible in its different canonic forms. At the same time, EBR also documents the history of the Bible’s reception in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and other religious traditions, as well as in literature, art, music, and film. It is edited by a team of international scholars, all experts in their fields, and currently comprises 14 v.’s; updated with new articles quarterly.
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ERIC covers journal articles and reports about education issued in Resources in Education (RIE) and Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE). Some citations include links to full text.
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Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia provides over 25,000 entries covering a variety of subject areas.
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GPO Monthly Catalog includes citation from U.S. government documents, including Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and records; judiciary materials; and documents issued by executive departments (Defense, State, Labor, Office of the President, etc.). This database has over 500 thousand citations covering 1975 to the present.
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In the wake of several of the deadliest mass shootings in United States history, HeinOnline is offering this new collection free of charge in order to provide a platform for research and promote civil discourse on the myriad issues related to gun regulation. The collection brings together more than 500 titles dealing with this difficult and important topic. Included are periodicals, key compiled federal legislative histories, relevant congressional hearings, CRS Reports, Supreme Court briefs, and more. The collection also offers an extensive bibliography and a balanced selection of external resources to further research this subject.
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Health Source: Nursing/Academic provides nearly 550 scholarly full-text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Also featured are abstracts and indexing for over 850 journals. Provided by Ebsco Host.
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Offered through the Project Muse database, the Hermeneia commentary series seeks to offer authoritative interpretation of the earliest texts of the biblical books and other literature closely related to the Bible. It is designed to be a critical and historical commentary to the Bible without pre-determined limits in size or scope. It utilizes the full range of philological and historical tools, including textual criticism (often slighted in modern commentaries), the methods of the history of tradition (including genre and prosodic analysis), and the history of religion. To find a particular title, perform a title search in the box below “content” / “Hermeneia,” or scroll the alphabetized list. A search in the top search bar will search all of project Muse, not just the Hermenia commentary.
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History of Global Christianity deals with the history of Christianity and its global development over the past five centuries. Going above and beyond the subject of church history, it deals with the cultural role of Christianity in its widest sense: from the many interactions of Christianity within society, politics, economics, philosophy and the arts, to the myriad of ventures that form civilizations, nations, and communities. How did Christianity involve itself in these overarching structures of human life? Contains all articles from the three print volumes,; full text.
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A comprehensive index of hymns and hymnals containing over 200,000 hymns and 5,500+ hymnals; searchable by song title, tune, phrase, author, and hymnal title.
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Index Islamicus includes citations to literature on Islam, the Middle East and the Muslim world. It is produced by the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. Records cover almost 100 years of publications. Over 3,000 journals are monitored, together with conference proceedings, monographs, multi-authored works and book reviews. Includes some limited Full Text access.
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Iter’s main database, Iter Bibliography, includes more than 1.3 million citations for secondary source material about the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 400-1700. Citations for books, journal articles, and essays in books are included. We also subscribe to Iter Italicum, the most comprehensive finding list available of previously uncatalogued or incompletely cataloged Renaissance humanistic manuscripts in libraries and collections all over the world. Our subscription also includes two full text journals, Renaissance and Reformation, and Aestimatio (publishing book reviews in the history of ‘science’ from antiquity up to the early modern period). These resources are supplemented by 5 additional titles covering Renaissance history, including the largely unpublished letters of the German Protestant reformer Wolfgang Capito, 1478-1541.
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Archives hold the digital version of the Journal of Jewish Studies covering all issues from 1948 to the latest issue.
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JSTOR Archival Collections Includes full text articles from more than 1,500 leading academic journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. JSTOR Archival Collections can be accessed via JSTOR’s one search integrated plaform, along with the JSTOR eBooks.
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Karl Barth library includes, in English, his Church Dogmatics and 13 other works. In German, it includes Barth’s complete works, as published to date by TZV.
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KISS(KOREAN STUDIES INFORMATION SERVICE SYSTEM)는 1,330여 개의 학회에서 발행된 3,320여 종의 학회지의 원문을 제공하고 있는 데이터베이스입니다. KISS KOREAN STUDIES INFORMATION SERVICE SYSTEM) is a multi-disciplinary, full-text database providing articles from over 3,230 scholarly journals published by 1,330 research institutions in Korea.
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KSI eBooks는 9,300여종 이상의 한국 전자책을 제공하고 있는 데이터베이스입니다. KSI eBooks provides access to over 9,300 Korean ebooks.
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Latino-Hispanic American Experience Series 1: Arte Publico contains digital materials pertaining to U.S. Hispanic history, literature, political commentary, and culture. This collection accurately conveys the creative life of U.S. Latinos and Hispanics, shedding new light on the intellectual vigor and traditional values that have characterized them from the earliest moments of this country’s history through contemporary times. Contains: newspapers, periodical editorials and essays, select eBooks, pamphlets, short stories and poems.
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Latino-Hispanic American Experience Series 2: Leaders, Writers, and Thinkers provides thematic content focusing on the evolution of Hispanic civil rights, religious thought, and the growing presence of women writers from the late 19th and 20th centuries. Rare and relevant books and newspapers, including rare anarchist newspapers, are presented in their original form. Extensive manuscript collections of both organizations and individuals are included for viewing, indexed for ease of search and maximum discovery. Contains: newspapers, periodical editorials and essays, select eBooks, literary works, and manuscript primary sources.
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Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) indexes more than 500 core journals, more than 50 priority journals, and 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s. Includes a limited number of Full Text articles.
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The Weimar Edition of Luther’s Werke is a complete collection of Luther’s writings in the original German and Latin. One of the largest editions of any individual author ever created and first published in 1883, the series contains over 117 quarto volumes and is now published in full. Luthers Werke provides an indispensable historical-critical tool for theologians, historians, linguists and literary critics carrying out research into Luther’s life and work. Martin Luther (1483-1546) is one of the central figures in the development of European cultural and intellectual history. This is as a result of not only his theological influence but also his contribution to the development of New High German.
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**Purchase of this database was made available by a gracious donation from Ms. Peggy Helmerich. Thank you.** Mango Languages features self-paced language learning programs with over 70 languages, including courses in ESL. Language courses seamlessly integrate audio repetition, visual recognition, and grammatical function in an easy and enjoyable interface. Mango also includes courses in national/regional culture and customs.
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Medline covers clinical medicine, psychiatry, nursing, and other related fields. It includes citations from over 4,800 current biomedical journals, and over 19,000 older journals. The indexing covers from 1965 to the present, and includes some limited Full Text. It is produced by the National Library of Medicine.
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Formerly known as iPreach, the newly revamped database launched by the United Methodist Publishing House, is a collection of online Biblical reference works, commentaries, and lectionary tools. Commentary series include: The New Interpreter’s Bible, Interpretation Commentaries, Abingdon Old Testament and New Testament, and many more. Formerly known as iPreach, the newly revamped database launched by the United Methodist Publishing House, is a collection of online Biblical reference works, commentaries, and lectionary tools. Commentary series include: The New Interpreter’s Bible, Interpretation Commentaries, Abingdon Old Testament and New Testament, and many more. It also includes some church history and theology resources.
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New Testament Abstracts is based on the print version from the Weston Jesuit School of Theology. The database contains more than 33,000 article abstracts, 1,200 review abstracts, 12,600 book abstracts, and 50 software abstracts from more than 500 periodicals in numerous languages. In addition, nearly 850 current books are also summarized annually. Article coverage in the database dates back to 1985. See print edition for older articles.
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Newspaper Source provides selected full text for nearly 30 national (U.S.) and international newspapers. The database also contains full text television & radio news transcripts, and selected full text for more than 200 regional (U.S.) newspapers.
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OAIster is a union catalog for open access resources. Today, OAIster includes more than 50 million records that represent digital resources from more than 2,000 contributors. Records include both digital texts and images provided by museums and major universities. Links to many of the open access resources are included.
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Old Testament Abstracts includes indexing and abstracts for journal articles, monographs, multi-author works from 450 journals, many back to 1978. All abstracts are in English, regardless of the language of the original work. Topics covered include antiquities, archaeology, biblical theology, philology and much more. It is a product of a partnership between ATLA and the Catholic Biblical Association.
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The Online Archive of California (OAC) provides free public access to detailed descriptions of primary resource collections maintained by more than 200 contributing institutions and the 10 University of California (UC) campuses. OAC contains over 20,000 online collection guides (finding aids). You can use these to browse, locate resources, or view selected items digitally — the OAC contains more than 220,000 digital images and documents — or learn how you can gain access to the physical objects.
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The Oxford African American Studies Center includes primary sources, photo essays, and visual aids, combined with 15,000+ carefully indexed and searchable biographies and subject entries from Oxford reference works. The database forms the most comprehensive collection of scholarship available online to focus on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history and culture; covers all topics in African American studies, along with Africa and Diaspora studies.
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Oxford English Dictionary Online is the unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It covers words from across the English-speaking world from North America to South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean.
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Oxford Handbooks Online (Religion) contains over 75 handbooks with 2,800+ essays and articles on critical topics and emerging issues in religion, including religion and culture, comparative religion, and theology and philosophy of religion. It also contains over 100 additional eBooks and 3,000+ articles mostly covering topics in philosophy, sociology, and linguistics.
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Oxford Islamic Studies includes primary sources, photo essays, and visual aids, combined with 7,500+ carefully indexed and searchable biographies and subject and subject entries from Oxford reference works. The database covers global Islamic history, concepts, people, practices, politics, and culture, and is regularly updated. Featured titles include: The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, The Oxford History of Islam, The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, two classic interpretations of the Qur’an, a Concordance of the Qur’an, What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam, and the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World.
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Comprised of Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions, and Encyclopedias, Fuller subscribes to 40+ top tier reference works containing over 375,000 individually indexed and searchable articles focusing on religion, philosophy, and history. Works like: the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, Dictionary of the Christian Church, Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation, and Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology, enable far-reaching and in-depth research in theology, biblical studies, church history, and intercultural studies (particularly Islamic studies).
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Oxford Scholarship Online (Religion) provides access to over 1,300 scholarly monographs in all areas of religion and theology, along with many of their intersections with culture. All titles can also be searched through library’s online catalog.
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Papers First provides a machine created index to published congresses, symposium, conferences, etc. received by The British Library Document Supply Centre. Includes 5.3 million citations from 1993 to the present.
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Patrologia Latina Database is an electronic version of the first edition of Jacques-Paul Migne’s Patrologia Latina, published between 1844 and 1855 and the four volumes of indexes published between 1862 and 1865. The Patrologia Latina comprises works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216 AD.
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ProQuest eBook Central is a web-based ebook library lending platform containing a growing collection of titles purchased by Fuller Library based on requests from faculty, students, and staff. These e-books can either be browsed online or “checked out” for your exclusive use. All titles can also be discovered through library’s online catalog.
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The ProQuest Religion Database provides over 200 full-text journals (over 150 with ongoing full text) and international periodicals for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies of major religions, as well as the most recent trends and scholarly thought. Included are titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.
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ProQuest Research Library offers multi-disciplinary coverage with over 4,500 full text periodicals (6,000+ total) across the top 150 academic subject areas. Content features a diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and other timely sources relevant to all 3 FTS schools.
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PsycArticles (Ebsco) contains more than 25,000 full-text articles from 42 journals published by American Psychological Association and allied organizations. Coverage includes general psychology and specialized basic, applied, clinical, and theoretical research in psychology.
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PsycBooks (Ebsco) includes over 10,000 chapters from over 600 books published by APA copyright 1953 – 2004, 100 out-of-print books, 70+ classic books, and the APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology.
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PsycCritiques (Ebsco) includes more than 36,000 book reviews, dating back to 1956. Produced by APA. In addition to reviews of current scholarly and professional books in psychology, the database also contains critiques of popular films and trade books from a psychological perspective.
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PsycExtra (Ebsco) produced by the American Psychological Association (APA), consists of technical, annual and government reports, conference papers, newsletters, magazines, newspapers, consumer brochures, etc.
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PEP Archive (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing) offers the full text of 13 psychoanalytic journals – some dating back to 1920 – and the full text of over 20 classic psychoanalytic books. There is a three year embargo on all journal content.
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Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (Ebsco) is a comprehensive database with nearly 480 full-text journal titles covering topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods
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citations only is a database of streaming videos covering the fundamentals of psychotherapy, counseling, and addiction treatment.
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PsycINFO (Ebsco) is the comprehensive international database of psychology, which covers the academic, research, and practice literature in psychology from over 45 countries in more than 30 languages. The database mostly offers citations but there is some Full text available. (Results are roughly 20%- 50% full text depending on the subject.)
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**Purchase of this database was made available by a gracious donation from Ms. Peggy Helmerich. Thank you.** Based at Fisk University from 1943-1970, the Race Relations Department and its annual Institute were set up by the American Missionary Association to investigate problem areas in race relations and develop methods for educating communities and preventing conflict. This resource showcases the speeches, reports, surveys and analyses produced by the Department’s staff and Institute participants, including Charles S. Johnson, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., and Thurgood Marshall. Key themes covered include: the desegregation of schools, industries and public transport, the migration of African Americans from the rural South to urban centers, the role of the Church in the Civil Rights Movement, race riots and other racial tensions, and activities of the Civil Rights Movement, including protest marches, sit-in demonstrations, student movements, and legal cases.
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Regional Business News provides full text coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
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Religious and Theological Abstracts provides summaries of articles appearing in scholarly journals in the fields of Religion and Theology. It covers some journals that ATLA Religion Database does not. Visit the RTA official website for a list of current journals it indexes.
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SAGE journals online provides searchable full-text to 1160 journals with content relevant to all three FTS schools. For SOP there are 74 journals directly related to psychiatry and neuroscience, along with 400+ auxiliary journals representing the health and medical fields. For SOT there are 65 journals covering religion, philosophy, and history. For SIS there are 250+ journals reflecting a broad cross-section of intercultural interests from sociology and ethnic/cultural studies, to economics & development and anthropology/archaeology. There are also over 250 additional humanities journals that further the interdisciplinary usefulness of the database (mainly education, communication, and political science). Coverage is typically 1999-Present.
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**Purchase of this database was made available by a gracious donation from Ms. Peggy Helmerich. Thank you.** SAGE Knowledge is home to an expansive range of SAGE eBook and eReference content alongside SAGE Video, containing over 5,100 titles. Content includes reference works, academic books, professional development titles and more. Subject areas include counseling & psychotherapy, psychology, sociology/ethnography, anthropology, and culture studies.
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ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature. It combines authoritative, full-text scientific, technical and health publications with smart, intuitive functionality. Students can utilize Elsevier’s extensive open access journal program with 600+ fully open journals, and an additional 2000 journals with select open access content. Subjects covered include psychology, health science, and social sciences.
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**Purchase of this database was made available by a gracious donation from Ms. Peggy Helmerich. Thank you.** This HeinOnline collection brings together a multitude of essential legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world. This includes every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, every federal statute dealing with slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery. Cases go into the 20th century, because long after slavery was ended, there were still court cases based on issues emanating from slavery.
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SNAC is addressing a longstanding research challenge: discovering, locating, and using distributed historical records in archives and manuscript libraries. SNAC functions to, 1) integrate and simplify access to dispersed historical resources, and 2) provide unprecedented access to the biographical-historical contexts of the people documented in the resources, including the social-professional-intellectual networks within which they lived.
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The focus of this series is on the ancient Near East, including ancient Israel and its literature, from the early Neolithic to the early Hellenistic eras. Studies can be philological or archaeological, published in English or Spanish, and are peer reviewed by at least two scholars in the area before acceptance. Published open access by the partnership of SBL Press and the Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente.
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International Voices in Biblical Studies is an online, peer reviewed, open-access book series that provides a platform for biblical critics and authors, particularly from outside the United States and Western Europe. The series continues to publish scholarly, creative, and compelling works that engage the biblical text, its history, reception, and interpretation. Works could be traditional or experimental in method and perspective, but with serious attention to context, be it local, regional or global. Whenever possible, the works will be published in English and the primary language of the author.
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The world’s first comprehensive online quantitative and qualitative encyclopedia of religious cultural history. The DRH is designed to serve as a centralized clearinghouse for scholarly knowledge of the historical record, bringing together a core of quantified, standardized data with qualitative comments, references to crucial resources, and links to on-line text and image databases.
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The complete works of the famous Jewish historian, translated by William Whiston.
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The TLG is a research center at the University of California, Irvine; it has already collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in 1453 AD. Its goal is to create a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present era (full corpus). Information about the authors and works included in the TLG corpus is stored in a database, known as the Canon of Greek Authors and Works. The canon and full corpus (including patristic works) require an account registration to use, but are accessible to Fuller students, faculty, and staff. TLG also Includes the Liddell-Scott-Jones (LSJ) Greek-English Lexicon, among others.
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This is a link to the Turabian guide, which is limited. For full access, purchase the book on Amazon. Multidisciplinary / Other Reference, full text
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**Purchase of this database was made available by a gracious donation from Ms. Peggy Helmerich. Thank you.** Twentieth Century Religious Thought Library provides resources to further explore Christian-Muslim-Jewish relations and key concepts in theology across religions. It supports research and teaching in comparative religion, theology, world religion, religion and law, religion and politics, and serves as an important resource for courses and scholarship in Middle Eastern studies, social theory, feminist studies, philosophy, and world history. Volume 4: Eastern Religions coming soon.
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Resources for the Study of the Old Latin Bible
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The World Religion Database (WRD) contains detailed statistics on religious affiliation for every country of the world. It provides source material, including censuses and surveys, as well as best estimates for every religion to offer a definitive picture of international religious demography. It also offers best estimates at multiple dates for each of the world’s religions for the period 1900 to 2050.
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This subset of WorldCat contains records for over 5 million dissertations, theses, and published materials based on theses, mostly from U.S. schools
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교보 전자도서관 – Kyobo eBooks 교보 전자도서관은 한국전자도서를 제공하는 데이터베이스입니다. 사용하시려면 별도의 개인 계정을 만드셔야합니다. Kyobo eBooks (교보 전자도서관) has access to an extensive amount of Korean eBooks. To read books from Kyobo eBooks, you need to make a personal account.
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디비피아 – DBpia 디비피아는 3,500여종의 한국 학술지 원문을 제공하고 있습니다. DBpia (디비피아) is a full-text database including over 3,500 Korean scholarly journals.
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로앤비 – LAWnB 로앤비는 한국 온라인 법률 리서치 솔루션입니다. 로앤비 (LAWnB) includes law and business information published in Korean
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스콜라 – Scholar 스콜라는 종합 원문 데이터베이스로서 400,000여종의 학술 논문을 제공하고 있습니다. Scholar (스콜라) is a multi-disciplinary, full-text database, including 400,000 scholarly articles published by academic institutions and research centers in Korea.
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케이알피아 – KRpia 케이알피아는 한국학 관련 데이터베이스로서 한국의 역사, 문학, 문화, 예술 등 다양한 분야의 자료 수록하고 있습니다. KRpia(케이알피아) is a collection of full text databases related to Korean Studies offering a variety of subjects such as Korean history, literature, art, oriental medicine and the classics. They are arranged in 7 categories and each database provides access to full text as well as image files.
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풀러노트 – Fuller Note 풀러노트는 풀러선교대학원 한국학부의 커뮤니티 웹사이트로서 학사안내, 공지사항, 소논문 및 졸업논문을 제공하고 있습니다. 별도의 계정이 필요합니다. Fuller Note (풀러노트) is a community website for Fuller School of Intercultural Studies’ Korean Studies Department. The site provide program information, announcements, access to thesis and dissertations. You need a separate account to view resources.
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이아티클 – eArticle 학술교육원 이아티클은 논문, 전문잡지, 문예지 단행본을 비롯하여 한국내에서 생산되는 지식정보를 원문으로 제공합니다. eArticle (이아티클) provides full-text access to scholarly articles, technical magazines, literary magazines and monographs published in Korea.
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학지사 뉴논문 – New Nonmun 뉴논문은 다양한 분야의 학술논문 원문 (Full-Text)을 제공합니다. New Nonmun (뉴논문) provides full-text access to scholarly journals in diverse disciplines.
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한국사회과학 데이터센터 DB 는 한국에서 생산된 공신력 있는 조사자료와 통계자료를 수집, 표준화하여 제공하고 온라인 통계분석시스템과 설문조사 시스템을 구축하여 양적연구를 지원합니다. Korea Social Science Data Center (한국사회과학 데이터센터 DB) provides access to statistical information collected in Korea and supports quantitative studies by constructing online statistic analysis systems and survey systems.
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한국연구정보서비스는 한국 대학이 생산하고 보유하고 구독하는 학술자원을 공동으로 이용할 수 있도록 개방된 서비스입니다. Research Information Service System (RISS) is an open access service to connect users to academic resources produced, collected and subscribed by higher education institutions in Korea.
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