[Korean] 도서관 온라인 서비스 관련 웨비나 4월 16일 (화) 오후 3시(미서부시간) Zoom Link
[Spanish] Taller de Recursos Electrónicos Miércoles, Abril 17, 6:00 PM (Tiempo del Pacífico) Zoom Link
[English] How to use ebooks (Beginner) Thursday, April 23, 3:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada), Zoom Link
May 14, 3:00 PM Pacific Time, Zoom LinkResearch Tips for the ATLA Religion Database [English]
May 15 3:00 PM Pacific Time, Zoom LinkCitation Tools [English]
[Korean] 도서관 투어 및 도서관 대면 서비스 안내(캠퍼스내 현장 워크샵) 5월 14일 화요일 오후 3시(미국 서부시간) 소요시간:투어 30분/도서관 대면서비스 안내 30분/모이는 장소:도서관 로비/ 등록을 원하시는 학우분은 구글 양식를 통해 등록해주세요. (풀러이메일에 접속 후, 구글양식이 열리며 등록양식에 풀러 이메일 기재)
There is currently a known error in the display of selected databases within the advanced search feature of the library catalog.
Please be aware that the vendor who manages our library catalog (OCLC) is aware of the issue and working on a resolution.
In the meantime, students and faculty are still able to conduct searches from the advanced search page and select their desired databases from the righthand database menu (instructions here). The error does not affect search functionality, but rather the correct database selections do not display properly after clicking “save changes.”
To repeat, the advanced search page will still search your selected databases, and you can (correctly) view which databases are selected by expanding the “All Databases” menu and viewing which boxes are selected. The “Searching Databases” section and (accompanying number) will likely be inaccurate until OCLC provides further updates.
Similarly, the “Reset” button continues to function as normal by restoring the default database selections, but you will need to expand one of the lower menus to see the selections accurately.
Please feel free to email us at lib-systems@fuller.edu if you have any additional questions or would like assistance in using Advanced Search.
Due to the vendor updates, you can now access EBSCO databases available for alumni access (EBSCO ebooks, ATLA Serials, Religion Collection, and Audiobook Collection) through our Library Services for Alumni: Electronic Resources page, where you will find a complete list of databases available for alumni patrons. Accessing them through other library sites such as the WorldCat item record page or the Database page may prevent you from viewing the full-text content.
Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at lib-systems@fuller.edu. Thank you!
Center, front row: Gus and Ellen Freymiller Each end of the backrow: Clara Huntington and Katherine Workman
The Archives and Special Collections of Fuller Theological Seminary exists to preserve the memory and to document the ongoing legacy of the broad, interdenominational evangelical milieu in which the seminary was born, and within which it continues to play a leading role, as well as religious dimensions of its context around the world. If you are interested in accessing these primary resources, visit http://libraryarchives.fuller.edu/for information on how to gain access. Some highlights of the Archives include:
Fuller Seminary Collections: Collections related directly to the life and work of the seminary, its faculty and alumni; among these, the personal papers of Charles E. Fuller, David Allan Hubbard, Art Glasser, Robert Munger, Daniel Payton Fuller and Wilbur Smith.
Du Plessis Archives: The Du Plessis Archives has acquired an extensive range of collections related to the international Holiness, Pentecostal and Charismatic movements (with a focus on the ecumenical currents within it) and the Third-Wave (River) Churches. These include several new collections from people related to the Metropolitan Church Association, a Holiness church organization established in the late19th century, including papers of the Bitzer family, the personal library and papers of Leslie Ingram, and the records of David Freymiller; as well as the Papers of Manuel J. Gaxiola, Oneness Pentecostal (available by Spring quarter).
American and World Christianity Collections: These include the papers and recordings of Lloyd John Ogilvie, the Country Church of Hollywood Collection, the papers of missions author Margaret T. Applegarth, the Paul Dayhoff Collection documenting Nazarene mission in southern Africa, the Floyd Perkins Collection documenting mission history in southern Africa, the Strachan family papers of the Latin American Mission, the Duane Pederson and Jesus People of Hollywood Collection and related Jesus People collections, as well as the diaries of Holiness layman William L. Troyer and the M. Scott Peck Collection.
Special Collections: The personal libraries (published printed materials) of African American scholar James Melvin Washington, evangelist Gipsy Smith, Fuller President David Allan Hubbard and well-loved preacher Lloyd John Ogilvie; the hymnal collection developed by Robert Mitchell; two Pacific Rim collections, the Agustin Rivera Collection and the Gonzalez Vijil Collection; as well as the Holiness collections of Donald W. Dayton, William Kostlevy and Charles E. Jones and Pentecostal / Charismatic collections of V. Alex Bills and William Faupel.
While we will publish the monthly lists on our blog, you can also subscribe to the latest addition feeds on the same page, or bookmark or share the list.
Just a reminder that the monthly lists reflect not only purchased items but also gift books which might not be recently published.
To search for specific books held by the library, visit our library catalog and limit by books or ebooks.
The Chinese National Social Sciences provides free open access to its content. The National Social Sciences Database contains full text articles from 842 journals. It covers Marxism, economics, international issues, social sciences, law, literature, philosophy and history.
Ministry Matters formerly known as IPreach, was recently launched by the United Methodist Publishing House, to replace iPreach.
The newly revamped database provides full text access to Biblical reference works, commentaries, and lectionary tools. Commentary series include: The New Interpreter’s Bible, Interpretation Commentaries, Abingdon Old Testament and New Testament, and many more. Ministry Matters describes itself as a “community of resources for church leaders.”
Please note the database is listed on Fuller Library’s databases page, and Fuller Seminary users will need to sign in with their Portico accounts as usual. A “Purchased” sign should accompany any individual titles from the collection, once you are authenticated. For more information you can take view their short tutorial. Also, faculty and student interested in submitting articles (750-1500 words) about subjects relevant to church leaders: preaching, teaching, worship planning, leadership, outreach may submit by email to editorial@ministrymatters.com.
Fuller community is invited to explore and evaluate the new African American Historical Serials Collection a unique digital collection documenting the cultural and religious life of African Americans in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
The collection, featuring more than 60,000 pages of primary source content is preserved and curated by American Theological Association (ATLA) and provided by EBSCO’s Historical Digital Archives.
Several weeks ago we let you know that the DAH Library was getting ready to replace its old catalog with OCLC WorldShare Management Services (OCLC WMS). The time is fast approaching, and we want to remind you of a few of the great benefits this next-generation discovery and delivery tool will provide you:
Google-like searching which delivers content from the Library (print and content from most subscription databases) and the world’s library collections,
Integration with Interlibrary Loan services (ILL) which makes it easier for users to locate and request materials from other libraries,
Social networking including user-contributed reviews, ratings, lists, tags, integration with Facebook, digg, etc.,
Citation creation for many formats, and exportation to EndNote and other bibliography software,
and, mobile interfacing.
Here’s how the transition will affect you:
Beginning Wednesday, August 8th, as we make the transition, the information on the “my account link” will be frozen, and will not accurately show your check-outs or fines. While you will be able to check books and other materials out, the usual hold and renewal services will be temporarily suspended for the month of August.
We will go live with OCLC WMS as soon as all glitches are ironed out, and we will keep you updated on any further changes that might impact your research and scholarship.
The Library is excited to offer this streamlined and robust catalog to its users, and its staff will be ready to assist individuals who need help orienting to the new system and who want to maximize its discovery and delivery capacities. Check out the WorldCat@Fuller search box today at library.fuller.edu/library! Coming Soon: new Infoguides to support your use of this robust tool!
The DAH Library is happy to announce that it will replace its old catalog with OCLC WorldShare Management Services (OCLC WMS) in mid-August. This change will help the Library streamline cataloging, acquisitions, circulation, license management and workflows, and offer a next-generation discovery and delivery tool for library users. Features of this tool include:
Google-like searching which delivers content from the Library (print and content from most subscription databases) and the world’s library collections,
Integration with Interlibrary Loan services (ILL) which makes it easier for users to locate and request materials from other libraries,
Social networking including user-contributed reviews, ratings, lists, tags, integration with Facebook, digg, etc.,
Citation creation for many formats, and exportation to EndNote and other bibliography software,
and, mobile interfacing.
The Library is excited to offer this streamlined and robust catalog to its users, and its staff will be ready to assist individuals who need help orienting to the new system and who want to maximize its discovery and delivery capacities. Check out the WorldCat@Fuller search box today at library.fuller.edu/library!