Thank you very much for considering the David Allan Hubbard Library at Fuller Theological Seminary for your book donations!

We have reached a point in the seminary’s history wherein over half of our students are fully online, or are taking one or more classes online. As a result, the library is seeking to serve all our constituents by changing the way that it collects materials, and is focusing on the acquisition of electronic resources, such as eBooks, eJournals and electronic databases.

Current Policy regarding print materials
As a result, we are unable to accept unapproved donations of print materials at this time. As of November, 2017, the David Allan Hubbard Library is no longer accepting unconfirmed/ unsolicited print material donations of any kind (books, journals, textbook, etc.); such materials are subject to disposal at the library’s discretion.

The library typically only considers donations not already duplicated in our print or eBook collections and which focus on our main collecting areas of theology, biblical studies, church history, religious studies, or recent ministry works. Print book donations in Spanish or Korean in the above research areas are more frequently accepted due to the increased difficulty of electronic acquisition in these languages.

Contact Information
For more information about gift donations, or to speak with someone about approval for a relevant, complete, or unique collection, please contact the Acquisitions and Collection Development Department at: or call: (626) 584-5618.

Thank you again!
David Allan Hubbard Library
Acquisitions and Collection Development Department