Spring 2024 Library Workshops

Spring 2024 Library Workshops
The library invites you to online and in-person workshops hosted this Spring quarter.

For more information, see this Library Guide. Need help or have questions? Contact us at lib-reference@fuller.edu.


  • [Korean] 도서관 온라인 서비스 관련 웨비나 4월 16일 (화) 오후 3시(미서부시간)  Zoom Link 
  • [Spanish] Taller de Recursos Electrónicos Miércoles, Abril 17, 6:00 PM (Tiempo del Pacífico) Zoom Link
  • [English] How to use ebooks (Beginner) Thursday, April 23, 3:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada), Zoom Link


  • May 14, 3:00 PM Pacific Time, Zoom Link Research Tips for the ATLA Religion Database [English]
  • May 15 3:00 PM Pacific Time, Zoom Link Citation Tools [English]
  • [Korean] 도서관 투어 및 도서관 대면 서비스 안내(캠퍼스내 현장 워크샵)  5월 14일 화요일 오후 3시(미국 서부시간) 소요시간:투어 30분/도서관 대면서비스 안내 30분/모이는 장소:도서관 로비/ 등록을 원하시는 학우분은  구글 양식를 통해 등록해주세요. (풀러이메일에 접속 후, 구글양식이 열리며 등록양식에 풀러 이메일 기재)

Winter 2023 Extended Library Hours for Finals

Library Extended Hours Winter 2023 Week 10: Thursday, March 9 - Friday, March 10: 9am - 9pm Saturday, March 11: 11am - 6pm Week 11: Monday, March 13 - Friday March 17: 9am - 9pm Saturday, March 18: back to normal hours of 1pm – 4pm

Greetings, Fuller Community!

The David Allan Hubbard Library is pleased to announce extended hours for the Winter finals.

The hours are as follows:

Week 10:

  • Thursday, March 9 – Friday, March 10: 9am – 9pm
  • Saturday, March 11: 11am – 6pm

Week 11:

  • Monday, March 13 – Friday March 17: 9am – 9pm
  • Saturday, March 18: back to normal hours of 1pm – 4pm

Please note, a Fuller ID or photo ID is required for entry. 

We wish you the best during this busy time. If you have any questions, please email us at lib-info@fuller.edu.

Thank you!

eBook availability for Christian Theology : an Introduction

Please note that the ebook availability of the following title has been suspended until December.
  • McGrath, Alister E. 2011. Christian Theology : An Introduction. Fifth ed. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
We have contacted the content provider regarding the issue and found out that the title has been removed from the vendor and is no longer available for sale.
We have a non-linear access model with this title which is a perpetual access license. This model allows for unlimited concurrent access but has a set number of lending days per year, usually 325 days. The combined number of loan days per year cannot exceed the maximum days of use allotment. We are not able to purchase additional days since the title is not available for sale anymore.  Our loan days will renew on the anniversary of the purchase date. Unfortunately, this will happen later in the year since we’ve added the title in the month of December. Until then, access to the book is not available.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. The title is available for personal purchases through Amazon eTextbook or you may request parts of the book (2 chapters or 10% of the book, whichever is less) to be scanned through a Scan-on-Demand service.

Lastly, if you are on campus, you can check out the book in person for 2 hours at a time.

Alumni Access to EBSCO Databases

Hello Fuller Alumni Patrons!


Due to the vendor updates, you can now access EBSCO databases available for alumni access (EBSCO ebooks, ATLA Serials, Religion Collection, and Audiobook Collection) through our Library Services for Alumni: Electronic Resources page, where you will find a complete list of databases available for alumni patrons. Accessing them through other library sites such as the WorldCat item record page or the Database page may prevent you from viewing the full-text content. 

Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at lib-systems@fuller.edu. Thank you!

New Korean Books for November (11월 신간)

New Korean Books for October (10월 신간)