Dissertations & Theses Global (including Fuller Theological Seminary)

Dissertations & Theses Global by ProQuest provides access to more than 1.2 million full-text theses and dissertations, including those from Fuller Theological Seminary, available for download in PDF format, together with 2.7 million searchable citations to theses from around the world from 1861 to the present. Most of these theses were written to fulfill doctoral degrees. The database offers full-text for most of the theses added from 1997 onwards and some retrospective full-text coverage for older theses. Approximately 70,000 new full-text theses are added to the database each year. Provided by ProQuest, formerly known as UMI (University Microfilm Inc.) 

Credo Reference

This database indexes full text articles from over 1000 encyclopedias and reference books from major publishers such as Cambridge, Harvard, Routledge, Britannica, including 50+ reference works on Christianity. Major titles include: the Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology, Encyclopedia of Protestantism, Dictionary of the Theological Interpretation of the Bible, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, the IVP Bible Dictionary Series, and the Routledge and Blackwell Religion Companions. 


ClasePeriodica indexes documents published in Latin American journals specializing in the social sciences and humanities, and science and technology.  It offers more than 300,000 bibliographic citations from 2,600 scholarly journals published in the Spanish, Portuguese, French and English languages.  It contains information about articles, essays, book reviews, monographs, conference proceedings covering 24 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Chicago Manual of Style Online

Chicago Manual of Style Online describes English grammar and how to format footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies for academic research papers. 

Article First

Article First provides a machine created index to tables of contents pages from over 16,000 journals in business, science, humanities, social science, medicine, technology, and popular culture.  Includes over 19 million citations from 1990 to the present. 


ArchiveGrid is the ‘WorldCat’ for finding aids of historical archives.  It includes descriptions of historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world.  Thousands of libraries, museums, and archives have contributed over two million collection descriptions to ArchiveGrid.  Researchers searching ArchiveGrid can learn about these collections and contact archives to arrange a visit to examine materials. 

American National Biography

American National Biography offers biographies of more than 17,400 American men and women.  It is based on Oxford’s 24 volume American National Biography, published in 1999.  The online edition is updated quarterly, with hundreds of new entries each year and revisions of previously published entries to enhance their accuracy and currency. 

Digitalia Hispanica

includes eBooks and eJournals in Spanish with access to some of the most renowned publishers in Spain and Latin America. While the database is multidisciplinary, you will find scholarly resources in Religion, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Anthropology, and more. 


JSTOR Archival Collections Includes full text articles from more than 1,500 leading academic journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. JSTOR Archival Collections can be accessed via JSTOR’s one search integrated plaform, along with the JSTOR eBooks.