Reserves are print materials that serve as required reading for Fuller courses.
Finding Reserve Items
Students may search for required texts in the library catalog by author and title. The call number of the desired text should be brought to the Circulation Desk, as books are ordered by call number, not course number. Circulation staff can then retrieve the requested the text.
Checking out Reserve Items
Students may check out up to 5 reserve items at a time for two hours at a time. These materials may be taken out of the library, with the exception of books with “Library Use Only” sleeves. Reserve materials that may only be used in the library include: books that belong in the library’s reference collection, reserve periodicals, special collection reserves, and faculty members’ personal materials on reserve.
Late Fees
Reserve books may not be renewed. Patrons must return reserve books to the Circulation Desk by their due time. Materials that are not returned on time incur a late fee at a rate of $0.25 per hour.
Overnight Check-outs
Two hours before closing time (e.g., 4:00 p.m. on days when the library has a 6:00 p.m closure), reserve books may be checked out overnight. They are due the following day at 10:00 a.m (1 hour after opening). Since the library is closed on Sundays, a reserve item that is checked out on Saturday after 2:00 p.m. will be due Monday morning at 10:00 a.m.