What’s (Not) Working for You?  

1. Describe it

Tell us what was confusing, hard, uncomfortable, missing or broken. We’re thinking here primarilly of navigation and function of the site, not missing content, since this is an Alpha version and we haven’t moved all the content in yet.

Also, feel free to tell us what you liked, found useful or delightful. We are human beings reading this who’ve put in a few months of hard work so far on it. We might even get a little misty-eyed if you’ve enjoyed or found this helpful.

2. URL

Copy the web address where you saw this problem onto the line below (required):

3. Device & Browser?

Laptop, tablet, phone? Safari, firefox, chrome?

5. Your Email

Let us know where we can write back to you if we need to do some more detective work about what’s wrong (email):

6. What’s Your Role?

Masters Student, PhD Student, Faculty, Staff, Visiting Scholar, Alumni?