After Hours Book Pick Up

The library has after hours pick up for books starting on Monday. October 18, 2021. These lockers are for students who need to pick items while the library is closed. The library has a limited number of lockers and is on a first come, first served, basis. To request a after locker pickup please use the Hold function located in the library catalog.

If you have any additional questions, please contact

David Allan Hubbard Library – Fall 2021 Guidelines

In preparation for fall 2021 quarter and to welcome new and returning students to campus, the following guidelines are in effect for the David Allan Hubbard Library:

  • – For fall 2021, Library hours will mirror those of Welcome Center, with additional hours on Saturday (Library only). These hours are as follows: Mon – Thur [9am – 5pm] Fri [9am – 12pm] Sat [1pm – 4pm]
  • – Patrons must complete a symptom check each day they visit campus, before entering any building, including the Library.
  • – Masks are still required for entry and throughout the duration of a patron’s visit. Unmasked individuals will be asked to wear a mask indoors, and they may be asked to leave if they refuse to comply with this guideline.
  • – Entry to the library and library study spaces are limited to current Fuller Theological Seminary students, faculty, and staff at this time. We may allow additional patrons in early 2022.
  • – Socially distant book return is still available through the book return outside the front library doors.

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact

Thank you for your cooperation!

Books Are On The Move!

Dear Hubbard Library Patrons,

The library is in the process of shifting around books in our building. Currently, we are moving the Reference Books (formerly located in the DePree Reading Room) into the Weyerhaeuser Reading Room. Our Pannell Center and Centro Latino books will then be moved into the DePree Reading Room on the first floor.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about an item’s location. Thank you for your patience in this matter!


Daniell Whittington, Executive Director of the Library

Library Reopening – June 1! / 도서관 재개관 6/1

The Hubbard Library is excited to announce the reopening of the library building on June 1! Please note the following guidelines as you enter:

  • – Entry is for current Fuller Seminary students, faculty, and staff only. All other guests, which include Alumni, local scholars, local pastors, consortia members, and guests of valid patrons, are not permitted at this time.
  • – Identification is required for entry.
  • – Symptom checks must be completed prior to entry. To fill out the form, click here.
  • – Wearing a mask is mandatory at all times while inside the library.
  • – Social distance whenever possible.
  • – No food or drink in the library.
  • – Abide by the library reopening guidelines. Failure to wear a mask or listen to library staff or Campus Safety means you will be asked to leave and/or a formal complaint made.

Library hours posted below will remain in effect until fall 2021 quarter:

Monday – Thursday: 9am – 2pm
Friday & Saturday: 1pm – 4pm

Some days and times may change due to ongoing projects within the library building. These changes will be posted on the library site, Quad, and social media.

Lastly, book pick up service will continue for our patrons until the fall quarter.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

허바드 도서관은 6월1일부터 도서관을 재개관할 수 있게 됨을 알려드리게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.

  • – 재학생, 교수진 및 직원에 한해 출입이 가능합니다.
  • 졸업생 및 지역 학자, 지역 목회자, 컨소시엄 회원 및 이용이 유효한 게스트를 포함한 모든 다른 이용자는 현재 출입이 허용되지 않습니다.
  • – 출입시 ID 제출이 요구됩니다.
  • – 출입 전에 증상체크를 완료해야합니다. 증상체크 양식을 제출하기 위해서 링크를 클릭해주세요.
  • – 마스크 미착용시 출입이 제한됩니다.(도서관 이용 중 마스크 상시 착용 필수)
  • – 도서관 이용 시 타 이용자와의 안전 거리를 유지하여 주시기 바랍니다.
  • – 관내 음식물 및 음료수 반입이 불가합니다.
  • – 도서관 재개관 지침을  준수해야 합니다. 마스크를 착용하지 않거나 기타 도서관 직원 및 캠퍼스 안전요원의 지시를 따르지 않는 경우 도서관 퇴실 및/또는  공식적인 불만이 제기될 수 있습니다.


아래 게시된 도서관 운영 시간은 2021년 가을학기까지 유효합니다.

월 – 목: 오전 9시-오후 2시

금요일, 토요일: 오후 1시-오후 4시

도서관 건물 내에서 진행 중인 프로젝트로 인해 일부 날짜와 시간이 변경될 수 있습니다

이러한 변경 사항은 도서관 사이트, Quad 및 소셜 미디어를 통해 공지할 예정입니다.


마지막으로 가을학기까지 도서관 이용자를 위해 도서픽업 서비스는 계속 제공됩니다.

문의사항이 있으시면 부담없이 lib-info@fuller.edu로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

¡La Biblioteca Hubbard está emocionada de anunciar la reapertura del edifico de la biblioteca en junio 1! Por favor note las siguientes directrices al entrar:


–El ingreso a la biblioteca es solo para los estudiantes actuales y miembros de la facultad y personal. Todos los otros visitantes, exalumnos, académicos y pastores locales, miembros de nuestros acuerdos de consorcio, e invitados de usuarios de la biblioteca no son permitidos en este tiempo.

–Una identificación es requerida para el ingreso.

–Una revisión de síntoma debe ser completada antes del ingreso. Para llenar el formulario, haga clic aquí.

–El uso de una máscara es obligatorio en todo momento dentro de la biblioteca.

–La distancia social es requerida siempre que sea posible.

–Comida y bebidas no son permitidas en la biblioteca.

–Respete las directrices de reapertura de la biblioteca. La falta de máscara o el rechazo a escuchar al personal de la biblioteca o los miembros de la seguridad del campus significará que usted será invitado a salir y/o una queja formal será hecha.


El horario de la biblioteca abajo permanecerá en efecto hasta el trimestre de otoño 2021:


lunes – jueves: 9am – 2pm

viernes y sábado: 1pm – 4pm


Algunos días y tiempos pueden cambiar debido a los proyectos en desarrollo dentro del edificio de la biblioteca. Estos cambios serán publicados en el sitio web de la biblioteca, el Quad, y las redes sociales.


Por último, el servicio de book pickup continuará para nuestros usuarios hasta el trimestre de otoño.


Si usted tiene preguntas, por favor siéntase libre de contactar




Work Study Students Needed!

Are you a student who qualifies for work study? Are you looking for a new position? Look no further! The library has three new positions for you to choose from. Check them out below or apply for them here! If you have any questions, email
Circulation Assistant – Work-study: As part of the larger Library Public Services team, the Circulation Assistant – Student Worker provides customer service as a team member at the Circulation Desk, via email, and by carrying out projects and tasks that support the Public Services team and the Assistant Director of the Library.
Archives and Special Collections Assistant – Work-Study: The Archives & Special Collections assistant will provide support for processes related to organizing and digitizing fragile materials within the Archives & Special Collections. This position will assist with scanning historical photographs, periodicals, and articles. Tasks will also include creating inventories for digitized and original materials, and preparing materials for uploading to the online digital archives platform.
Library Collections Assistant – Work-Study: The David Allan Hubbard Library is looking for a Library Collections Assistant to work with the diverse collections in the library. Position will focus mostly on deaccessioned items and re-cataloged items in our collection. The person hired for this position will also be responsible for helping library staff move collections from other floors and potentially incorporating them into existing collections.




Upcoming workshop: Research 101

Thursday, April 15
12-2 pm Pacific
Live online via Zoom

Join the Writing Center and the Hubbard Library staff for an interactive workshop on everything you’ll need to know to write your best research paper yet. You’ll get an informative tour of Fuller’s library resources and a research-paper-how-to. If you have a research-based writing assignment due this quarter, this workshop is for you!

Click here to register!