A New Way of Printing at the Library > Wēpa!

The David Allan Hubbard Library is introducing a new way of printing in our building – Wēpa. Wēpa is an outsourced, cloud based, print management solution for patron printing that allows you to print from literally anywhere! These kiosks will be installed at the library on April 12.

There are seven (yes, seven!) ways that you can print, which include mobile, from the cloud, and USB. These new printing stations will also have the capability to print two-sided and in color. Wēpa offers quick customer service and their contact information will be displayed clearly on the kiosks. The best part is that ANYONE can print – you don’t need a Fuller ID to do so!

The new printing system will require a new user account (not your Fuller ID), however, you can connect that account to any card with a magnetic strip – one swipe and you can log in. Payment can be made by card or via PayPal; these stations will not have cash capabilities. Printing at the Wēpa kiosks will cost 8 cents for black and white, 25 cents for color. Your Fuller ID is not your log in for Wēpa – YOU MUST CREATE AN ACCOUNT! (For a more in-depth user guide, click here.)

Please note – the current printing system will still remain until Fall 2018, and at that point, will be removed. We suggest you don’t add any more money to your printing account unless you plan on printing elsewhere on campus. We are unable to issue refunds and will stop offering printing cards in Summer 2018. Also, since Wēpa is an outside hosted company, the Library and TSS will be unable to assist you with tech issues you may encounter with the kiosks and will direct you to Wēpa customer service.

If you have any questions about the new printing kiosks or how they will work, please feel free to email lib-systems@fuller.edu.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Rainy Day Library Procedures – Balcony

The 3rd floor library balcony will be closed during any rainy days. Since the balcony doesn’t have a proper roof (it is just metal slats), this makes the area extremely slippery. This closure is to ensure the safety of our patrons as well as the longevity of our print materials. If you wish to study outside during this type of weather, please feel free to use the tables and chairs right outside the library doors, on the first floor.

Thank you for your cooperation!


Easter Egg Hunt 2018 at the Fuller Library!

From March 26th to March 29th, the Fuller Library will have an Easter Egg Hunt! We have hidden eggs all over the library. If you find one, bring it to the Circulation Desk and get your prize! Prizes include: $1.00-$1.50 off library fines (does not include printing) and candy. But, there are TWO golden eggs hidden as well, and finding one will get you a popcorn bucket.
Say whaaaat?!

PLEASE NOTE: This hunt is not for children – Fuller Students ONLY! We apologize but will consider having one for children in the future.

The Rules:

  1. One egg per person, per day.
  2. Egg must be brought to the Circulation Desk and THEN opened. Your name and possibly G number will be written down.
  3. Eggs are hidden in areas that anyone can access; none are in staff only areas of the library. They will not be behind stacks of books or large items for you to move.
  4. If you chose the Fine Removal prize and have no fines OR your fines are less than the removal amount, no money or change will be given. Fine Removal prize cannot be used as credit toward future fines.
  5. You do not talk about Fight Club.
  6. Golden Eggs – if you find one, you will no longer be allowed to play (sorry!). This gives everyone else a chance to find an egg, especially a golden one.
  7. Have fun!

If you have any questions feel free to email lib-systems@fuller.edu.

Get ready, get set…HUNT!

Week of Welcome Spring 2018 Easter Egg Hunt at DAH Library at FTS

Win This Backpack!

We Like Big Backpacks and We Cannot Lie…

Win this backpack full of yummy snacks, courtesy of the Library and SES!

Tickets will be available during the Library’s free lunch on March 13 at Noon AND at SES’s Cram Jam on March 15th, from 4pm-6pm!

A winner will be selected on Friday. Be sure to write your name and a phone number / email address on the ticket to win!