It’s hard to believe that November is halfway over! I hope you are all enjoying your Fall Quarter classes, as well as the warm and sunny Southern Californian weather. Please don’t forget to check out our new books every other two weeks!
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- America’s original sin : racism, white privilege, and the bridge to a new America by
- Jim Wallis. Please reference Amazon Page
- Reading sacred scripture: voices from the history of biblical interpretation by Stephen Westerholm. Amazon Page
- Jesus and the temple : the crucifixion in its Jewish context by Simon J Joseph. Amazon Page
- Introduction to world Christian history by Derek Cooper. Amazon Page
- God Has Spoken in His Son by Peter T. O’Brien . Amazon Page
- From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research by Michael Kibbe. Amazon Page
- Paul as a Problem in History and Culture: The Apostle and His Critics through the Centuries by Patrick Gray. Amazon Page
- Hebrews by Mary Healy. Amazon Page
- An introduction to empire in the New Testament by Adam Winn. Amazon Page
- The woman, the hour, and the garden: a study of imagery in the gospel of John by Addison Hodges Hart. Amazon Page
- Sacred tradition in the New Testament: tracing Old Testament themes in the Gospels and Epistles by Stanley E Porter. Amazon Page
- The End of the Timeless God by R T Mullins. Amazon Page
- Calling on the Name of the Lord by Gary Millar. Amazon Page
- Church in an age of global migration: a moving body by Susanna Snyder. Amazon Page
- Christological anthropology in historical perspective: ancient and contemporary approaches to theological anthropology by Marc Cortez. Amazon Page
- Discovering Genesis: content, interpretation, reception by Iain W Provan. Amazon Page
- The invisible bestseller: searching for the Bible in America by Kenneth A Briggs. Amazon Page
- Ecce Homo: on the divine unity of Christ by Aaron Riches. Amazon Page