It’s the start of another quarter here at Fuller! For those of you new to Fuller, you are invited to check our new books posted every other week. Here’s just a sample of some of the new ebooks you’ll find on the library website. Have a blessed quarter!
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- The Politics of Dead Kings: Dynastic Ancestors in the Book of Kings and Ancient Israel by by Matthew J Suriano. Amazon page
- Deep equality in an era of religious diversity by Lori G. Beaman. Amazon page
- Tang Junyi : Confucian philosophy and the challenge of modernity by Thomas Fröhlich. Amazon page
- Religion, identity and change: perspectives on global transformations by Simon Coleman (Editor.), Peter Collins (Editor.). Amazon page
- The reception of Vatican II by Matthew L. Lamb (Editor.), Matthew Levering (Author,) (Editor.). Amazon page
- New Essays on the Apostolic Fathers by Clare K Rothschild. Amazon page
- Double particularity : Karl Barth, contextuality, and Asian American theology by Daniel D. Lee Amazon page
- Shared identities: medieval and modern imaginings of Judeo-Islam by Aaron W. Hughes. Amazon page
- Ezra and the Second Wilderness by Philip Young Yoo. Amazon page
- From Jesus to his first followers: continuity and discontinuity: anthropological and historical perspectives by Adriana Destro (Author.), Mauro Pesce (Author.). Amazon page
- Getting to church: narratives of gender and joining by Sally K. Gallagher. Amazon page
- Lovin’ on Jesus: a concise history of contemporary worship by Swee-Hong Lim , Lester Ruth. Amazon page
- The figure of Solomon in Jewish, Christian and Islamic tradition: king, sage and architect by Jozef Verheyden. Amazon page
- Urban Origins of American Judaism by Deborah Dash. Moore. Amazon page
- The story of Israel in the Book of Omelet: Ecclesiastes as cultural memory by Jennifer Barbour. Amazon page
- Stricken by sin, cured by Christ: agency, necessity, and culpability in Augustinian theology by Jesse. Couenhoven. Amazon page
- Messianism in the Old Greek of Isaiah: an Intertextual Analysis by Abi T. Ngunga. Amazon page
From creation to Babel: studies in Genesis 1-11 by John Day. Amazon page