Explore and evaluate APA Handbooks Online!

APAThe Fuller community is invited to explore and evaluate APA Handbooks Online and other E-Collections published by American Psychological Association (APA).

This generous trial offers access to full text reference books providing overviews and  in-depth analyses of a variety of subfields within psychology.

Your feedback is valuable to us! Please visit the trial databases page for more information: http://infoguides.fuller.edu/trials/APA

Explore and evaluate Psychotherapy.net!

IdhearlaughterThe Fuller community is invited to explore and evaluate Psychotherapy.net, a database of streaming videos covering the fundamentals of psychotherapy, counseling, and addiction treatment.

You can search and explore the videos by approach, issues, population, and experts.

Your feedback is valuable to us!

Please visit the trial databases page for more information: http://infoguides.fuller.edu/trials/Psychotherapy

Digitalia Hispanica @ Fuller Library

laptopbook (1)Fuller Library is pleased to announce its new subscription to Digitalia Hispanica, a database of  e-books and e-journals in Spanish with access to some of the most renowned publishers in Spain and Latin America.

The database holds thousands of e-books and e-journals, including new and backlist titles in a wide range of subjects within the Humanities and the Social Sciences. While the database is multidisciplinary, you will find scholarly resources in Religion, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Anthropology, and more.

For questions, comments, and suggestions please email us at: dmatei@fuller.edu

Explore and evaluate Digitalia Hispanica!

laptopbook (1)Fuller community is invited to explore and evaluate Digital Hispanica, a database of  e-books and e-journals in Spanish with access to some of the most renowned publishers in Spain and Latin America. The database holds thousands of e-books and e-journals, including new and backlist titles in a wide range of subjects within the Humanities and the Social Sciences. While the database is multidisciplinary, you will find scholarly resources in Religion, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Anthropology, and more.

Your feedback is valuable to us! Please visit the trial databases page for more information: http://infoguides.fuller.edu/digitaliahispanica

The Chronicle of Higher Education: new library subscription!

Fuller Library is pleased to announce its new online subscription to The Chronicle of Higher Education, a top destination for news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.

The institution-level subscription allows for unlimited simultaneous users and provides access to current and archival content beginning with 1989.
Visit The Chronicle’s Newsletter (Web Page) to sign up for Academe Today, Weekly Briefing, Jobs, and other area of interest.

Also, our mobile users can set up a domain access to access The Chronicle of Higher education on IPAD, tablet, or smartphone by following the vendor’s mobile instructions (PDF).

JSTOR eBooks @ Fuller Library


Fuller Library is pleased to announce the addition of over 9,500 eBooks to our JSTOR collections. The new interdisciplinary collection includes books published in the fields of religion, psychology, philosophy, sociology, history,  anthropology, and archaeology.

JSTOR eBooks can be accessed via JSTOR’s one search integrated plaform, along with the JSTOR subscription journals.

Just a reminder that you will need to login to JSTOR using the Institution Login option.  For login help, please visit our FAQ pages.

The DAH Library Proudly Offers JSTOR to its Users!

ImageThe David Allan Hubbard Library is pleased to announce it has purchased JSTOR archival collections for its users! JSTOR offers high-quality, interdisciplinary content including more than 1,500 leading academic journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. The entire back runs of journals are always included, and select collections include valuable primary source content.

The entire corpus is full-text searchable, offers search term highlighting, includes high-quality images, and is interlinked by millions of citations and references. The content is expanded continuously with an emphasis on international publications as well as pamphlets, images, and manuscripts from libraries, societies, and museums.

Links to JSTOR are conveniently located on our databases page.  JSTOR content is also indexed and searchable in our library online catalog as well as in the Periodical Titles List interface.

If you need any help accessing these materials, feel free to ask a librarian.

Open access to The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences database

The Chinese National Social Sciences provides free open access to its content. The National Social Sciences Database contains full text articles from 842 journals. It covers Marxism, economics, international issues, social sciences, law, literature, philosophy and history.

国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库提供842 种期刊全文, 是在中共中央宣传部、中国社会科学院、全国哲学社会科学规划办公室领导下,承建的公益性期刊数据平台. 它覆盖了马克思主义、经济、国际、社会政法、文哲、史学等哲学社会科学主要研究领域。